Legal information
By browsing, you acknowledge, in your capacity as a user, that you are aware of the conditions of use set out below, as well as the specific conditions relating to certain services on the site, and that you accept their terms.
Editor : Cécile Gay Loppinet
E-mail :[@]
Director of publication : Cécile Gay Loppinet.
*Called “CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET” hereafter and in all legal pages of the website.
Our website is hosted by O2Switch, 222 Bd Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE.
The works, photographs, texts and poems of Cécile Gay Loppinet presented on this site are fully protected by copyright, governed by the Code of Intellectual Property Literary and Artistic.
Some extracts :
Due to their creation and bearing the imprint of the personality of their author, the works listed in Article L112-2 of the CPI (musical, audiovisual, graphic and plastic, photographic, software, applied arts, architecture …) are protected by copyright.
Art L123-1 of the code of the intellectual property. The author enjoys, during his life, the exclusive right to exploit his work in any form whatsoever and to make a pecuniary profit.
At the death of the author, this right persists for the benefit of his successors in title during the current calendar year and the seventy years which follow.
L 121-1 The right of exploitation belonging to the author includes the right of representation and the right of reproduction.
Art-L121-2 The author alone has the right to disclose his work. Subject to the provisions of article L. 132-24, he determines the process of disclosure and fixes the conditions of this one.
The credits are not indicated in the body of our website for aesthetic reasons, but the list of the persons or companies to be credited is accessible below. It will be updated regularly:
Cécile Gay Loppinet
Our website and each of its parts, both graphic (logos, texts, illustrations, layouts, photographs, documents) and computer (tree structures, source code) are subject to national and international regulations on the protection of intellectual property.
The simple fact of browsing our site does not imply our tacit authorization to use any of the above-mentioned parts at your discretion.
Therefore, unless you are expressly authorized by the holder of the rights in question, you are prohibited from reproducing, disclosing, representing or exploiting any of the said parts (French Intellectual Property Code, art. L. 122-4).
Violating this clause would constitute an offence of counterfeiting in the sense of art. L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
In order to protect the infringed rights, legal proceedings could be initiated at our discretion.
Our site contains clickable links – so-called “hypertext” links – to third-party sites.
In principle, they will not direct you to fraudulent domains.
Nevertheless, since CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET does not supervise the content, the information, the products or the services offered on these sites, you acknowledge that by following any of the said links, you cannot engage our responsibility if possible damage resulted directly or indirectly either from this redirection itself, or from your visit on one of the sites in question.
At the same time, it goes without saying that any person wishing to set up a hyperlink to our website must first obtain the express agreement of CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET.
1. Possible damage
The Internet user declares that he/she is browsing at his/her own risk on the Web and a fortiori on our site.
The responsibility of CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET cannot be called into question in the event of damage caused to its users, their property or their data as well as the consequences resulting from it, whether this damage is direct or indirect, material or immaterial, and whether it is consecutive to the access to our website, or to its inaccessibility.
2. Inaccuracy of information
All information on this website is provided for information purposes only. Notwithstanding their regular updating, they may be subject to errors beyond our control, for which we cannot be held responsible.
Some parts of our website are locked by a password. Access to these areas is only permitted to persons expressly designated and authorized by CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET.
Consequently, any user who violates the access to these areas will inevitably be subject to legal proceedings. The same will apply to any attempt to impersonate a person.
This website is made available by CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET to any person wishing to know or buy its products and services.
By connecting you to our site,
– you agree to comply with these terms and conditions as well as with the legislation in force;
– you formally abstain from any act likely to harm others;
– You will refrain from collecting or misusing any information to which you may have access;
– When filling out the forms, you agree to provide real information, accurate at the time of entry, corresponding – excluding any impersonation, usurpation of the identity of others or their address – to information relating to your person.
– If necessary, in order to comply with the previous clause, you will update your personal data in order to ensure that it is real and accurate.
In the event of a breach of any of these provisions, CÉCILE GAY LOPPINET may, at its sole discretion, prohibit you from accessing our website and our services in whole or in part, without any liability being incurred.
The present conditions are intended to apply to all users without limitation in time or space.
Any dispute arising from a breach of any of the above clauses shall be governed exclusively by French law and the competent courts.