My journey as a watercolor artist is a revival.
With watercolor and artistic creation , which have become an essential dimension of my life, I wish to transmit…
“the breath of a whisper”,
And the wonder before the poem of the Invisible and the Beauty, sung by the Life, in the nature, in the man and beyond…
About the Artist
Today I thank the trials and the illness that led me to be born to a new life and to realize this childhood dream: “to paint in poetry” the light and the colors that nature and life make vibrate in chorus in my interior depths…
With watercolor and drawing, poetry and music, my life is blooming again: more beautiful and happier, more coherent with the inner and spiritual path that gives meaning and joy to life!
It is this Joy, which takes root in the Beauty deposited in the heart of all living beings, that I would like to share with you…
Next events or exhibitions
There is no Event
No scheduled dates yet… During this precious time, I prepare the next exhibition, the next event. I let myself be inspired … my inner earth, as in nature, prepares the humus; the seeds are planted. Winter is incubating the seeds of a new life that will blossom in spring…